Thursday, April 17, 2008

From the Website

Normal ClintonsThe Clinton’s should probably swap memos more often. Bill supports one thing, Hillary supports another. Bill says one thing, Hillary says another. Of course, we could also talk about the rest of her entourage that supposedly speak for her, but generally seem to say the opposite of what she’s declaring.

This past weekend, we had the gaffe by her Chief Campaign Strategist, Mark Penn, who went to Columbia, wearing his lobbyist hat to broker a deal with the Colombians, that, apparently, Hillary is against. Well, it turns out that Bill was all for it.

Now, it appears that Bill and Hillary are at odds about whether or not folks should boycott the Olympics in China. Hillary just came out declaring that President Bush should not go, while last summer, Bill talked Steven Spielberg out of boycotting the Olympics as their “Overseas Artistic Director”.

It seems that Hillary, the presidential candidate, should have the last word on what comes out of her campaign, but, with people who claim to speak for her, coming out and contradicting what she says, one has to wonder if her presidency will be just as incoherent.

Nothing irks me more than when my husband speaks “for me” and I have to contradict him and essentially embarrass him and presumably, myself because we aren’t of one mind on an issue or an idea. This usually happens in a business context and it’s confusing to my customers to have these contradictions floating around so we had to come to an understanding. Only I speak for my business, so hubby has to be sure that whatever he says has been green-lighted (or red-lighted, as the case may be) in prior conversations or he’s supposed to say, “I’ll have to get back to you on that one” or “Call Dizzy, she would know more about that than I do”.

Shouldn’t presidential candidate Clinton be having that same conversation with her campaign staff?

I realize that Mark Penn wears many hats and Bill, well, he’s Bill…but, during this most tumultuous of primary races in the Democratic arena, you would think that with the public and the media, all eyes and ears being on “their” campaign, that maybe, just maybe, they all could speak with one voice and maybe sound more presidential.

I hate to think what would transpire if that 3AM phone call ever came through.

crossposted: I’m Jus’ A Lil’ Dizzy

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